732-200-2725 [email protected]
Jacqueline Duca - Chronic Pain & Anxiety Therapist in Wall Township & Monmouth County NJ

LPC • LCADC • Certified Health Coach

Therapy for those living with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression

Centrally based in Wall Township, Monmouth County and serving all of NJ

Uncover your body’s innate wisdom, strength, and ability to heal.

Discover how therapy integrated with evidence-based pain relief psychology techniques can significantly reduce or eliminate chronic pain and chronic physical and mental health conditions.

Hi there, I’m Jacqueline

Jacqueline Duca - Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor in New Jersey
I work with adults and adolescents experiencing chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. I use a strength-based and heart-centered approach to restore health and regulation to the body, mind, and nervous system.

Hi there, I’m Jacqueline

Jacqueline Duca - Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor in New Jersey
Close-Up of Smooth, Rounded Stones in Shades of Gray And Brown on a Sandy Surface.


I’m a fully licensed therapist devoted to compassionate care and sustainable outcomes. I work with adults and adolescents experiencing chronic pain, chronic health conditions, anxiety, and depression. I use a strength-based and heart-centered approach to restore health and regulation to the body, mind, and nervous system.

With over 20 years of experience in the counseling field, and licensed as a therapist for 17 years, I am passionate about the paradigm shift in health and well-being that is leading people out of a cycle of chronic symptoms. I am excited to join you in this collaborative process to guide you towards restorative healing.

The Bridge Between Mind and Body

Our nervous system is a two-way communication system that transmits messages between the brain and the body. While the autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating automatic bodily functions, it is also tasked with ensuring our safety and survival. When the autonomic nervous system becomes dysregulated, the system becomes highly sensitive and primed for sensing danger. The mindbody system begins to live through these survival stress states and can manifest physical and mental health symptoms such as anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and other chronic health conditions. Chronic mental and physical health conditions resulting from nervous system dysregulation are called neuroplastic symptoms, psychophysiologic disorders (PPD), or Tension Myositis/Myoneural Syndrome (TMS). As a therapist for chronic pain working through this lens, the goal is a reduction or elimination of symptoms rather than pain management. And practicing through this same paradigm as an anxiety therapist, the focus is on rewiring the brain and nervous system to cultivate a flexible and resilient system that leads to greater well-being.

Changing Your Mind: Chronic Pain and The Brain

Learn more about brain-generated pain, neuroplastic symptoms, and evidence-based pain relief psychotherapy in this short 10-minute documentary.



Neuroplastic Symptoms

PPD/TMS (Psychophysiologic Disorders/Tension Myostis Syndrome)

PPD/TMS are disorders that result from the system being in a state of dysregulation. This happens when the system has been affected by chronic stress, hidden stress, psychological stressors, repressed emotions, trauma, and adverse experiences. The mind and body are interconnected, and these psychological factors can cause very real and painful physiological symptoms.

Treating chronic pain effectively involves an integrative approach

This involves working with the body, brain, and nervous system to support the system in shifting to a place of health, resilience, and regulation. This chronic pain treatment approach isn’t just for chronic physical health conditions. It is an integrative treatment approach that treats mental health conditions of PPD/TMS, such as anxiety and depression, by getting to the root of these conditions using a nondualistic treatment approach.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) is an innovative evidence-based chronic pain treatment for primary pain and chronic health conditions. PRT works to rewire the neural pathways in the brain that are causing pain in the absence of a structural condition or lasting symptoms after the body has healed from an injury or procedure. This type of pain – caused by altered neural pathways in the brain – is referred to as neuroplastic or primary pain and neuroscience shows that this pain can be unlearned. PRT is a chronic pain therapy technique rooted in neuroscience that moves beyond pain management into relieving chronic pain by deactivating these pain cycles. The Colorado Back Pain Study found that PRT improved symptoms in 98% of chronic back pain participants while 66% were pain-free or nearly pain-free by the end of the study. The results were maintained one year later. Functional MRI brain scans (fMRI) showed changes in the brains of those receiving PRT treatment compared to those in other groups.

Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy

Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET) and Pain-Reprocessing Therapy are related and overlap in the areas of changing your experience and relationship to pain, and understanding brain-based pain/symptoms. PRT focuses on rewiring the brain processes that have learned pain and non-pain symptoms. PRT focuses on working with the pain experience through changing pain beliefs, and reducing fear around pain and movement. 

EAET brings in pieces of PRT while also focusing on the underlying emotional components of pain, based on Dr. Sarno’s method, and further developed by Dr. Schubiner. EAET was clinically tested, found to be effective, and listed as a “best practice” by the Department of Health and Human Services.

EAET targets the system’s avoidance of unpleasant emotional experiences and interpersonal relationships that may be causing or contributing to the overall pain experience. Emotional and interpersonal experiences can fuel nervous system dysregulation and brain-based physical pain. Neuroscience shows us that physical and emotional pain share the same brain pathway so emotional factors can in fact fuel or cause physical pain.

EAET addresses unresolved emotions and experiences that keep the brain and nervous system in a state of stress, amplifying pain. Through EAET, these emotions are recognized, expressed, and released in healthy ways, relaxing the mindbody system, and reducing or eliminating pain and non-pain symptoms.